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B i o g r a p h y

After completing her university studies in interpretation at the University of Montreal, Guylaine Edmond continues her training with renowned harpist Nathalie Teevin, formerly solo harpist of the Symphonic Quebec Orchestra.


Her professional path brings her to collaborate with musical formations of all types such as orchestras of the greater metropolitan area as a freelance harpist, in theatres and television productions as well as with her duet formed in 2005 under the name of Orfeo Duo with flutist Amélie Brodeur and renamed Luft Ensemble in 2015.



Still, in 2015, Guylaine helped launch the concerts

series Kaleidoscope where she performed regularly

in solo, duet and trio with the members of Écouter.


In 2014, she graduates from second-degree studies

at HEC Montreal in management et becomes the

Administrative Director for L’Orchestre 21 in which

she also contributes as the Solo harpist until 2018.

In addition to devoting herself to teaching the harp

in her private pratice, she dedicates herself to teaching music within the Commission Scolaire Marie -Victorin, also since 2018.


In everyday life, Guylaine also teaches musical theory and ear training in private under the banner that she created and named Harpèger.

Guylaine Edmond- Harpiste professionnelle/Biographie

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